My dreaming about China

I dreamed about China from my childhood. From my 10 years old. China is for me something like my big dream.

My thinking about China started, when I saw Jackie Chan for first time. He inspirated me to learn more about China and when I saw movies with him, I was really happy. Later I started to watch every movie with Chinese topics – usually with martial arts. I like Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Donnie Yen, Zhang Fengyi, Wu Jing etc.

They inspirated me to learn more about China and Chinese culture. I found Chinese calligraphy and I seems, what is really atractive for me. My favourite symbol is „ai“ or love – of course. I believe, that Chinese characters or caligraphy is not only word, it is something like affirmation for this word. I can feel the power from this words. A reason, why I believe for this is, that Chinese characters are draw like imagine of this object. Not only word, but it is imagine by something.

After that, I found dragons. In Slovak culture we can see only bad dragons with more heads and they eat people and hurt and kill people. And I really don´t like this type of dragons. But in China, dragon is symbol of power and I started to love dragons. I started to collect dragons and I believe, that dragon is my symbol of luck – this is why I have a dragon on my wallet all the time, when I have some hard exams.

Later I started to collect all chinese things like Budhas, dragons, coins,.... And nowadays, my room looks like a small China :D Okay, China is nicer, but when I am surrounded by Chinese things. After that I started to do a Shaolin Kung-Fu in Slovakia and sometimes Tai Ji and Qi Kung. Started to learn something about culture and last year I learn Chinese language at my school.


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